In 1990, acclaimed writer and educator Marita Golden co-founded the Zora Neale Hurston / Richard Wright Foundation with $750 of her own money. She did what the best of Black philanthropists do: Give what you can to lift our community.
Marita's investment – $1,541 in today's dollars – was an investment in the future of Black literature. Did she know, 30 some years later, we'd have discovered, mentored, and honored more than a thousand Black writers? Maybe. Certainly, she believed.
This pandemic, for all the trouble it's causing, helped us see our future. Our workshops were held virtually. These classes are safe spaces for Black writers – no code switching, no critiques on the authenticity of our struggle – so protecting students' health wasn't a question. And for the first time, Black writers from across the nation – from across the globe – attended our workshops. Writers from Seattle, New York, and Great Britain attended. Writers who couldn't miss work or leave young children and elderly relatives joined us virtually. At last, these voices could share and strengthen their art with people who didn't need lessons in the Black experience.
Our plan is to invest in technology and offer our workshops both in person and in the virtual world. We want to livestream our Public Readings, and add new classes to help spread our truth.
We ask you to look deep down for that passion, that commitment Marita Golden had more than 30 years ago. We need our writers. We need our voices heard. We need you.
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